Monday, November 9, 2015

Immersion Week Proposal

Immersion Week Proposal Sheet – 2015/16

Please include the following in your Immersion Week Proposal:

* Title of Project

* Name of student and faculty leader(s) – ultimately, there must be at least one of each, though you might not yet have a faculty leader

* A paragraph-length blurb describing the activity

* A detailed itinerary for your activity (a day to day plan)

* An itemized budget, at least approximate

* Transportation requirements (if applicable)

* Ideal range of number of participants

* Any miscellaneous information

Please address the following questions:

* What do you hope that both yourself and your participants get out of the week?

* How will you work to involve and engage all of the participants in your activity?

* What potential challenges do you see with your project? How can the committee best help you?

All responses must be typed and submitted via email.

Send your Immersion Week Proposal by December 1 2016 to

See any member of the 2015/16 Immersion Week Committee:

Marshall Gordon
Sean Lally
Max Lipitz

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Current offerings

Immersion week update
October 28, 2015

I.  Ready to go (more or less)

Name                          Contact                       Needs faculty sponsor                      Cost

Bridge                         Tina                                                                                        0

Cartoons                    Josie                            *                                                          0

Writing/Baltimore    Dakotah/Lydia          *                                                          100

Service                        Isaac L                                    *                                           225#

Game design              Eric G                                                                                      80

Hip Hop history         Elliott                                                                                      150

24 hour theater         Luke P                        *                                                          0

Latino immersion      Steven V                     *                                                          100

Dance                         Lauren B @                *                                                          0

Math/art                    Katherine S                                                                            75

Hidden Balt/DC         Sean                                                                                        200

Beyonce                     Campbell @                *                                                          0

War Games                Sam T / John K                                                                      0

Israel                          Leah S                         *                                                          200

Portraits                     Nikita / Marshall                                                                   0

Star Wars                   PJ Y @                        *                                                          0

Service                        Jenny S                                                                                   300*

Culture/Sports          Kitt M                          *                                                          50

Film history               Eli/Harry                    Peter W?                                            0

Some Jeff thing          Jeff J                                                                                        250

II.  Not complete

Name                          Contact                       Needs faculty sponsor                      Cost

Photography              Max L                          *                                                          80

Polar Bears                Leah G                                    Julie R                                                 200+

Broadway                  Connor M                   Bob Camp.?                                        200+

Hiking                         Greg                                                                                        250+

RRR                             Patti                                                                                        0

Spike Lee                    Solomon                     *                                                          75

Video Sports              Ryan G                        *                                                          0

Alt. Sports                  Harry R @                  *                                                          100

Esperanto                  Eli A / Max KW          *                                                          25


* Needs a faculty sponsor

# Costs conceivably covered by the Halle Fund (for service)

+ Whether or not this project can fun is largely determined by cost vs. budget

@ This project is proposed by a senior; it might not go forward (due to schedule change)

Total cost currently:  $1205 (not including # costs)

If ALL potential projects run:  $2135 (though 2 of these projects require long distance travel and may simply not be practical)